Image: About the Firm

Creating Value

CALCAP continues to provide investors with opportunities delivering consistent growth and returns – generating alpha for accredited individual and institutional investors.

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Image: Strong Relationships

Investing with Experience

CALCAP leverages an extensive network to identify potential investment opportunities, and a team of industry experts to evaluate and strategically position those opportunities to maximize investor returns.

Innovative Analytics and Deal Insight

Utilizing proprietary modeling and KPIs to evaluate investment opportunities with comprehensive due diligence processes, CALCAP’s risk management platform manages credit, market, and operations risk.

Image: Disciplined Exit Processes

Investment Best Practices

CALCAP constantly monitors market activity, demographics, pricing trends, and key economic indicators to drive investment decision making. In lending, CALCAP analyzes market conditions trends, and loan performance to assess the adequacy of current underwriting guidelines and operating procedures.

CALCAP Giving and Social Responsibility

In keeping with our Mission of “enhancing lives of residents and improving the neighborhoods where we invest”, the CALCAP CARES foundation is a 501 (c)(3) program that encourages employees to find ways to give back through PTO donations and volunteer hours.


CALCAP created “GiveTime4Autism” as the initial program which allows employees the ability to donate unused vacation and sick days for a very worthy cause.

CALCAP Advisors Real Estate Advisors Los Angeles office

Investment Philosophy

  • Define Goals
  • Provide Transparency
  • Maintain Accountability

Investment Objectives

  • Create Alpha
  • Preserve Capital
  • Mitigate Risk

Investment Strategy

  • Innovate Services
  • Expand Opportunities
  • Leverage Networks
Management Disciplines


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